Lit Society: Books and Drama
LIT Society is the hilarious weekly book podcast that’s making a global community of listeners fall in love again with reading. Thursdays, join life-long friends Kari and Alexis as they use books to explore pop culture and personal peculiarities. From Tolstoy to Toni Morrison, this is the virtual book club for you!

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, by Susan Jeffers
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Is fear the hairline to your inner Lebron James? Does it stop you from being great? Do you sometimes hear a negative voice inside of your head telling you you're not good enough? One psychologist wants you to take control of that voice with a system of positive thinking that leads to power. Her name is Susan Jeffers. The book is Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. And you’re listening to Lit Society. Let’s get LIT! ... Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Charlotte's Web, by E. B. White
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
This week we’re skipping YA and going all the way to the baby book aisle for a lovable true tale (who knows. Maybe.) about a farm, an intelligent spider, and a piglet with a heart of gold. Truth be told, we selected this book to give our brains a break this week. However, we were pleasantly surprised to find our hearts sincerely moved by this classic, Charlette’s Web, by E.B. White. This week’s book also got us to thinking: “Why have we never read this story? What were we reading while all the other kids were reading this?” Hence, our theme of the week was born: The books that Shaped our Childhoods. So gather around kids, it’s about to get silly! This is LIT Society. Let’s get LIT! … Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Friday Feb 21, 2020
Such a Fun Age, by Kiley Reid
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Such a Fun Age is a story contrasting who we are as individuals against the role society has cast us to play. It follows Emira Tucker, a black 25-year-old who feels she's failing at adult life, and her white 30-something boss Alix who teeters around her own looming failures. As the two make efforts to dissolve their differences, a shocking realization shows the futility of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. And speaking of the “A” word, ADULTING, we’ll share some expert tips on how to grow up successfully, which we both are still figuring out how to do. This is LIT Society. Let’s get LIT!...Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Sula, by Toni Morrison
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
As the prolific poets TLC once said: What about your friends? Like T-Boz, Sula gets a little crazy, now and then. She may watch her mom burn to death or she may drown a neighborhood boy, and no, that’s not the way it’s supposed to be. But Sula has her reasons for being Sula. For one, her loneliness is palpable. Her dad died when she was three, and her mother loves but doesn’t like her. Toni Morrison’s classic short Sula is about life coming of age in a town where a dream can only go as high as the bottom and where who you want to be is more important than who you are. Before diving into this haunting story, we discuss our own friendships and try to find an answer to the question, “What makes a real friend?” This is LIT Society. Let’s get LIT!...Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Hey readers! Here's the chat we couldn't fit into the last episode.

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Catch and Kill, by Ronan Farrow
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
CW/TW: We’re covering Catch and Kill, a book that goes into detail about the allegations made against disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein. These allegations involve sexual assault, including rape. If you think this subject may elicit a harmful emotional response within you — please don’t listen. Take care of yourself. ♡ Catch and Kill is the story of how big media and Hollywood worked together to protect a disease while simultaneously silencing victims. It unveils, in detail, what one group of reporters did to bring down the system, and it names those who stood in their way. Before reviewing Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow, we provide some practical tips on what to do if you’re ever sexually harassed at work...Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Have you ever been so embarrassed you thought you’d die? But did you die, though? Nope. You didn’t. So, you see, embarrassment is conquerable, and we’ll show you how to overcome a mortifying humiliation because we’re experts on the subject. (One of us once tinkled in the middle of a party, in front of all her friends, and lived to tell the tale. Gross.) Elizabeth Bennet knows a thing or two about shame. Her mom’s a gold-digging cow and most of her sisters are attention-seeking idiots. Will these lame lilies ruin Lizzy’s only shot at true love? The book: Pride and Prejudice, and you’re listening to LIT Society. Let’s get LIT! … Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
My Sister the Serial Killer, by Oyinkan Braithwaite
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Am I my sister's keeper? Before diving into one of the most talked-about books of 2019, we discuss sadistic siblings. Who's to blame when a kid goes bad? And have you heard of the Han twins? Allow us to serve up a little true-crime for your mind. A little Serial with your cereal. In this week's book, a Nigerian woman whose sister has an inconvenient habit must decide where her loyalty truly lies. Will she continue to protect her sister, no matter the cost, or will she finally free herself? Her name is Korede. The book: My Sister the Serial Killer, and you’re listening to Lit Society. Let’s get LIT! ... Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Educated, by Tara Westover
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Have you ever had to cut someone out of your life? No phone calls, texts, and your friends know not to invite both of you to the same event? This week, our theme is inspired by Educated, a memoir by Tara Westover. Tara didn’t have a birth certificate until she was nine years old and she didn’t see her first classroom until the age of 17. It’s like The Village by M. Night Shyamalan, but interesting. . . Eventually, she’s forced to choose between a life without her family or most certain death by their hands. It got real, real quick. Travel with us from the peaks of Idaho to the halls of Cambridge in Educated. Welcome to Lit Society. Let’s get LIT!...Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.

Friday Jan 10, 2020
Animal Farm, by George Orwell
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Comrades! In this episode, Alexis and Kari tackle the good and bad of a compliant society and decide hugs are always optional. This week’s theme was inspired by the most Orwellian book we’ve ever read, Animal Farm. It’s hard out here for a pig, ya’ll. In this classic allegorical story, the animals take over their farm only to learn domination is a downer, no matter who wears the pants. Welcome to Lit Society. Let’s get LIT! Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram —; Twitter —; Facebook —; and our website Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama. *P.S. The audio quality in this episode is a little suburban. We know. Forgive us, please. Okaythanksbye.